Friday, October 17, 2008

Senator John McCain: My Vote for US President

This is actually very difficult for me to announce. First when I see public figures, I see real people on TV. I see humans with hearts, with desires to do the very best they can. As such, it is hard for me to be critical about them. Nonetheless, I am very skeptical of what people say when they are seeking something that is highly coveted by many (i.e. the US Presidency). In a race of such public interest as for US President, each candidate knows that everything they say will be used against them in every opportunity that is presented to the opposition. Accordingly, they avoid candor. They and their highly skilled teams work diligently as selecting what information they will share and how they will share it. When challenged, they strive to work around the question. If pressed, they may very easily lie hoping to calm the situation just long enough to get their results and apologize down the road when they can no longer deny it.

Working against these strategic power houses is the media and such that are striving to uncover, as Paul Harvey would say it, “…The rest of the story.” However, in spite of the media’s best efforts, I believe that most people are swindled into only hearing what a candidate and campaign want them to hear. There seems to be a momentum that builds, almost a synergy that leads Americans down a yellow brick road. Energy, social security, economy, terrorism, health care, foreign policy… The list goes on. How many people have thought about Russia and Georgia in the past two weeks? How many people have thought about gay marriage in the past two weeks? How many people have thought about North Korea in the past two weeks? I am not saying that these are the most important issues to address or that the first mentioned topics are not important. But can you see how melodramatic we can be as a nation? I remember the storm surrounding a stock market meltdown sometime around 1998. I remember that people were freaking out, as with the economic fallout of September 11, 2001.

I digress. My point is that I do not jump out and support a candidate until he/she has met MY PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS. I need time to filter through the noise and the rhetoric. I now feel like I have done so to the best of my ability and am ready to state that John McCain is the best most electable candidate for US President 2009-2012.

In comparing our electable presidential candidates I have found the following to be the most significant in my selection process.

(1) The first basic difference in the candidates that I detected is their leadership focus. Sen. McCain desires to lead Congress and Sen. Obama desires to lead the people. This is not too hard to see by comparing their backgrounds.

As a long time Senator, John McCain knows well the workings of congress. To me, he appears appalled by the waste, greed, corruption and lack of service to the American People that exists in congress. He is passionate about ensuring that the learned priestcraft style leadership be uprooted and thrown into the fire as tares amongst the wheat.

From Sen. Obama’s Senator’s web page I extracted the following “Barack Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, and leader in the Illinois state Senate” ( Extracted Oct 7, 2008). His heart, his passion is working with people and fighting for them the fights that they cannot fight on their own. I can see that as president, he hopes to use his position to continue these fights.

My outlook is that Sen. Obama can best serve the American people from congress at this time. He has the charisma to motivate his constituents to action and I hope he continues to do so as a US Senator. I believe that If elected president, Sen. Obama will use his position to place into law bills that are targeted at cradling the American people, specifically those whom he feels are misfortunate and unable to fight on their own. Sen. McCain, on the other hand, will use his position to regulate congress, truly the most powerful branch in our government. It is my firm belief that Sen. McCain will have more success than any president in the past at keeping congress in check with balanced power. This will ensure that not only is our president listening to us, but our representatives and senators as well.

(2) The second issue I take is how clearly and detailed each candidate sees their success in the white house. An example is the budgets. During the third interview, both candidates tiptoed around the direct questions “What plans would you cut?” with rhetoric of scalpels, hatchets, and WMD’s. Okay, I made that last one up myself.

When pressed, Sen. McCain began listing very specific funding cuts that he wants to make. Do you have ANY idea the retaliation he set himself up for? In a time of financial crisis and unemployment concerns, Sen. McCain basically said “I’m going to layoff a whole bunch of people” and identified which people he wanted to layoff. I was not impressed with McCain ineptness that night, but that response did it for me.

Sen. Obama stuck to his guns that there needs to be an item by item, or line by line review of the budget. Next, figure out which programs are worthless, which need more money, which need reform and which do not need so much money. You would think that if someone is really passionate about how to balance the budget they would already have a good idea of where to start.

(3) On the issue of balancing the budget, this is always a concern for me regardless of nuclear devises at my front step or murders and rapist in my neighborhood. If we are going to handle any issue in the long run, we must fiscally plan for it as well as tactically plan for it. Sen. Obama appears to be too happy to appease his friends in Washington. As the new kid on the block I do not believe he has the intestinal fortitude to stand up to his party and say “enough.” There are a lot of welfare/socialist plans he wants to implement and will oblige fellow democrats in their return demands. There will simply not be enough of a check on spending.

Sen. McCain will be in opposition to much of congress and will have a far more difficult time getting the money he wants where he wants it. There will have to be a lot of compromise and sacrifice in spending. There will also be a lot of room for many to take personal and party credit for balancing the budget.

(4) Final issue for the moment is Political Power. Basically, I think Sen. McCain has it and Sen. Obama is still building it. Give Obama another four years to build his ties and show himself for whom he is. Then let’s reconsider him for president. In the meantime, I can trust Sen. McCain to get done what he wants done and I can see that what he wants done is what I want done.

In closing, these are just a few quick points that I have been able to write down without having to provide substantial citations. In later posts I would love to really pull out some more information and expose both candidates better, timer permitting. I hope this information was clear, concise, and complete enough to express my thoughts in a meaningful manner. As President of the United States of America, Senator John McCain will lead our nation in a direction that we can be proud of. There will be many who staunchly disagree with Sen. McCain’s policies, but we will see that the nation is in a far better position to allow more within and without its borders great life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

John McCain, President of the United States of America 2009-2012.


Matt said...

I definitely agree with your point about the budget. It is impressive that McCain already chose specific programs to cut. It takes guts to point out specifics, especially because it might offend potential voters. But he definitely makes a good point about energy -- bring its production stateside and we will create millions of new jobs.

You know, I just realized that my view on all of these political issues deals with money. Guess I'm looking at the world through an accountant's frame...

Matt said...

One more thing that I read that you might find interesting. Over the next couple weeks, McCain and Obama will spend a combined $30 million PER WEEK in television advertisements, many of which are negative statements of the opposing candidate. Contrast this to the financial distress that we find our economy in and what $30 million per week could do in helping some of the jobless Americans. Here is a link the article: Commentary: Food banks instead of campaign ads. Once again, just an interesting thought...

Jeff said...

Thanks for the addition. I do not blame you for looking at it from a financial point of view. We all want to see our money put to good use. Concerning the $30mil / week, I would contend that they are helping the economy and providing jobs. I understand compassion and am happy to help those in need, but by "donating" $30mil / week to advertising companies they are feeding hard working Americans, promoting competition and increasing the amount of information shared. Further, this money cannot be written off in taxes. It will then be taxed as income to the employees and later in sales tax and on down the line resulting in more tax revenues to support such programs.

I am sure it's not the most perfect math, but I have grown a strong bias towards open markets and faith in humanity.